PUKE FEST 2009: For the love of all things holy

It all started at approximately 7 pm Friday night. Journalling of the activities involved in Loren's sickness were tracked on Facebook. I thought I would use those to clearly express the last 24 hours:

Friday at 7 pm:Note to Self: If your child says, "Mama, my stomach hurts. I think I'm gonna throw up." Do not, I repeat, DO NOT use hugging as a form of comfort.

Friday at 8, 8:15, 8:30, 8:45, etc: Part Two: Now I understand why my mom always put a bowl by my bed. Dang it; the things we learn too late.

Saturday Morning at 10 am: Part Three of the Puke Family Saga: "I feel better, Mama. Can I have some milk?" Should be answered with, "No, Love, when you throw it up, which you eventually will, the 3 glasses of milk I gave you will look like a small lake of cottage cheese."

Saturday at 5 pm after a 5 hours nap: Installment Four of PukeFest 2009: Blue Gatorade is just as bad as milk on the return trip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is amazing what you would have learned from your mother if you had just paid attention. It is ashamed you are destined to learn EVERYTHING the hard way. Your Mom