It is now day 8 of Puke Vegas. Kids are better. Cora only threw up once today, and I think it was because I over feed her. But, now....now...it is Chris that has it. Has thrown up non stop since 3. I can clean up my kids' bodily functions, but really, my husbands. Why me:) For the love of all things holy, someone needs to squash this bug.
Spreading the Love in many ways
And it continued and continued...This has been the sickest week of my life. Enjoy my Facebook status updates.
Sunday Morning it starts with Cora: Puke Family V: Just when you thought it was safe to wear dry clean only clothes! In case you didn't know, babies can't warn you that they are puking, but her trajectory was really impressive. Back Seat to dash board...mmmm
By Monday, staying home with sick Cora, I had had ENOUGH: Puke-a-Rama Update: After 4 complete days of being drenched with puke and 'stuff from the other end', I am ready to be a nun, a absentee mother, a prisoner in solitary confinement...anything but a vomit-bathed mom!
Tuesday, I didn't care how sick I was, I had to get out of the house: Pukeane, Washington: The home of vomit SPECTACULAR. Day 5 and now I have fallen victim. Who takes care of MAMA, I ask?
After going to bed on Tuesday at 7 pm, Wednesday looked better: The Road to Recovery: A long and dangerous journey with just a few puke stops.
Now, on Thursday, the Donley's have spread the love, or something: We Feel some pity and mostly guilt. Grammie, our daily lifesaver, has the pukers now. That is just crappy:) Literally!
PUKE FEST 2009: For the love of all things holy
It all started at approximately 7 pm Friday night. Journalling of the activities involved in Loren's sickness were tracked on Facebook. I thought I would use those to clearly express the last 24 hours:
Friday at 7 pm:Note to Self: If your child says, "Mama, my stomach hurts. I think I'm gonna throw up." Do not, I repeat, DO NOT use hugging as a form of comfort.
Friday at 8, 8:15, 8:30, 8:45, etc: Part Two: Now I understand why my mom always put a bowl by my bed. Dang it; the things we learn too late.
Saturday Morning at 10 am: Part Three of the Puke Family Saga: "I feel better, Mama. Can I have some milk?" Should be answered with, "No, Love, when you throw it up, which you eventually will, the 3 glasses of milk I gave you will look like a small lake of cottage cheese."
Saturday at 5 pm after a 5 hours nap: Installment Four of PukeFest 2009: Blue Gatorade is just as bad as milk on the return trip.
I Love My Sister
Sisters...whoa, sisters. Not only do I love that Loren loves to work on the computer, but so does Cora. Cora crawled onto the table, which was a shock, then went to town on what her sister was doing. SO CUTE...if you aren't Loren! Just keep saying...I LOVE MY SISTER. I LOVE MY SISTER.
Name that Kitchen Tool
Private Dancer
Loren loves her iPod. She loves to dance, and she spends hours dancing and dancing and dancing. It is certaining entertaining if not humorous. I wish we all had the free spirit of children...the willingness and desire to just do what seems right without the worry about what people think.
It doesn't seem like much, but...
This is the schrizophrenia called Motherhood. What do you do all day? Well, this is a partial answer to your question. Up and down...up and down...to the piano...to Loren's room to watch dance party 2009...and back down the stairs, and repeat...
Sister Fill In
Loren has been gone for 4 days, and now I admit, I miss her. Chanelle, her friend, came over and was Loren's fill in for the afternoon. We love Nelly.
And this is just a pretty cute picture.
SHHHH...What they really do when Chris isn't home
The Girls love to climb and jump. Since I am a lazy non attentive mom, I thought it would be funny to tape it. Unfortunately, I couldn't catch the best ones, but these are classic. Boy, do we make tough girls.
Loren Loves to Fish
One Year and Counting
It has been a year, and I can't believe it. I look at these pictures only to realize that time, which seems so slow in actual moments, really speeds by so quickly. Loren measures everything in terms of "how long until I go to kindergarten." I will honestly admit, I was slightly sad when I signed her up for Kindergarten. Not really sad, schizophrenic might be a better word. I was so excited to see her be able to embark on learning and school, sad because my baby is getting older, more sad because I was getting older, and frustrated CUZ IT AINT EASY TO REGISTER A KID FOR KINDERGARTEN. Cora has been walking since January. She is beginning to talk. Today, I said,"Where is Cora's shoe?" She went and got it. As we were playing today, I swear she said reptile...it was probably was rubbish, but I am going to claim it was reptile. She loves to sing and dance. Note the video I am attaching. She is much more deliberate. She eats. She sleeps. In a life time, Loren hasn't eaten as much as Cora eats in one meal. She loves to play with toys. She mimicks everything her sister does. All of this, while Loren tries to grow up. She wants to be a big girl. She wants to be responsible. I love my girls...we love our girls. Life is good. I guess I will just continue to count the days and be grateful for each and everyone.
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