Loren's new team is the Green Goblins. She plays center of the pack following the ball.
I CAN RIDE A BIKE...and Mama only blew up once:)
Loren rode her bike for the first time today. She did really good, but she hasn't quite figured out how to start, or turn for that matter.
Wanna good laugh? Check out Chris on the kiddie roller coaster. Even the workers were laughing! The arm bare was squished down as far as it would go, but Loren was still without support. It is bad when the other people watching start calling their friends over, 'Look at this!"

The slide was Loren's favorite ride. We used most of our tickets on that...so basically it cost nearly half our mortgage to ride a slide.

And Cora ate:)

The slide was Loren's favorite ride. We used most of our tickets on that...so basically it cost nearly half our mortgage to ride a slide.
And Cora ate:)
The Bee Sting
Labor Day Weekend and Loads of Family Fun
We spent the weekend with the Lockwoods/Ostermans. Five kids and tons of adults: what a blast. The boys and the kids, minus Cora, fished. We all spent time on the beach of the Snake River. We slept in a tent and ate over the fire. We had a great time.

Cora loved YaYa's Dog, Pips. All weekend she would love on him and kiss him. She kept saying,"Pee pee." I think I have another animal lover.

Cora loves Food...climbing to get s'more fixin's while drinking her juice. She can multi-tasks. She found the Oreos too.
The Lockwood Boys, Neil and Dean, loved Cora. Cora copied everything Dean did. Here, he is laying on the sand, so is she.
Neil saved her from the sand hole. They are both super sandy.
Lots of Daddy Daughter time.

Ya Ya taught Cora how to fight with a light saber.

It rained for 20 minutes, so we had to hustle into the trailers to stay dry.

Maddy Olsen, and the other kids play in the sand.
Cora lounging in the chair.
Brother and sista~
Cora loves to climb in and out of her porta crib.
and just playin' in the sand.
Her First Day of School
We got in late Sunday night and made the mistake of saying, "By the time you wake up in the morning, you will be in kindergarten." The quiet stressed Loren appeared. She kept saying, "I am really nervous mom."

Loren picked her outfit out and tried to wake up on the couch.

The first outfit and back pack. Notice Cora looking on admiringly.

I took her to school before she went to kindergarten. She is in afternoon kindergarten, so that she can be Miss Dana's Helper in pre school for the little kids. At CV, she made friendship bracelets for all the 'big' kids working in the school.

I took her to lunch. A first day special treat I would like to continue throughout school; well, after kindergarten we will have to do breakfast:)

We stopped at Miss Dana's to get Cora and we all decided to go together to Hamblen Elementary School for Loren's First Day of Kindergarten.

Loren's teacher is Ms. Ray. She loves Dr. Seuss. She is excited to be able to go to ''Real" school. I am excited and moved by my little girl entry the world of institutional learning.
Loren picked her outfit out and tried to wake up on the couch.
The first outfit and back pack. Notice Cora looking on admiringly.
I took her to school before she went to kindergarten. She is in afternoon kindergarten, so that she can be Miss Dana's Helper in pre school for the little kids. At CV, she made friendship bracelets for all the 'big' kids working in the school.
I took her to lunch. A first day special treat I would like to continue throughout school; well, after kindergarten we will have to do breakfast:)
We stopped at Miss Dana's to get Cora and we all decided to go together to Hamblen Elementary School for Loren's First Day of Kindergarten.
Loren's First Day of School...AKA our fishing trip
District 81 started school on August 27th. We had planned our family fishing vacation before we knew the date...not to be bitter, but it changed from September 3rd to August 27th on June 20th. After much consternation, we decided that family time beat 6 hours of kindergarten. It was the best king fishing in years. But we experienced other aspects of family time, too.

Cora spent a lot of time watching us be campers.

Although we were there for a week, on Loren's first day was spent in Long Beach at the amusement park.

Loren bought this pink cowboy hat, so she could be a 'cowboy girl'. She and her mood ring played shoot 'um up bang bang.

On the way home, I was certain we made the right decision. She would embarrass me putting writing utensils up her nose.
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